a with grave accent
   à  ALT + 133    À  ALT + 0192
a with circumflex
   â  ALT + 131    Â  ALT + 0194
a with tréma
   ä  ALT + 132    Ä  ALT + 142
a e ligature
   æ  ALT + 145    Æ  ALT + 146
c with cedilla
   ç  ALT + 135    Ç  ALT + 128
e with acute accent
   é  ALT + 130    É  ALT + 144
e with grave accent
   è  ALT + 138    È  ALT + 0200
e with circumflex
   ê  ALT + 136    Ê  ALT + 0202
e with tréma
   ë  ALT + 137    Ë  ALT + 0203
i with circumflex
   î  ALT + 140    Î  ALT + 0206
i with tréma
   ï  ALT + 139    Ï  ALT + 0207
o with circumflex
   ô  ALT + 147    Ô  ALT + 0212
o e ligature
   œ  ALT + 0156   Œ  ALT + 0140
u with grave accent
   ù  ALT + 151    Ù  ALT + 0217
u with circumflex
   û  ALT + 150    Û  ALT + 0219
u with tréma
   ü  ALT + 129    Ü  ALT + 154
French quotation marks
   «  ALT + 174    »  ALT + 175
Euro symbol   
 ALT + 0128    
Another Way of Typing With Accents
  1. Open Control Panel 
  2. If in Classic View, click "Control Panel
  3.  Home" in upper-left corner
  4. Under "Clock, Language, and Region
  5. "click "Change keyboards or other input methods"
  6. Click "Change keyboards"
  7. Click "Add"
  8. Scroll down to the language you want to
  9.  add, click + next to it, then select the layout*
  10. Click OK in each dialog window.

  1. This is the last way to add accents
  2. Download Google Chrome.Get the "Accents Plus" app on your Google Chrome page. 
  3. Choose French accents. 
  4. the app will be there on the top right corner 
  5. and then you place your pointer over the kind of accent you need,  it will show you what keys you need to press to get the accent you want.
  6. This...is....the...address...to...the...home...page...(where..you..download...the..app) accent.https://www.google.com/search?q=accents+plus#
  7. go to this page and find the +FREE button

